Communication Skills in English (BCA-1, BBa-1, Mba-1 and It-1)

Q.1 Function of communication in organization is studied by A. Fotheringham B.Chester I Barnard C. Bellows D. none of these
Q.2 Communication may also lead to some____ A. Opinion B. Goal C. New change D. All of these Q. 3 Multiple meanings for words lead to barrier of _____ A. Channel B. Environment C. Transmission D. Semantic distortion Q.4 Communication helps managers utilize ____&_____ in the most effective and efficient manner.
A. Manpower, other resources B. Duties, resources C. Rights, duties D. Customers, suppliers
Q.5 An organization can function as an ______ only by communicating effectively with environment. A. Close system B. Open system C. Change system D. Chain system
Q.6 We must ___ barriers to communication and ___ them to make massage clear to others.
A. Identify, minimize B. Minimize, identify C. Recover, remove D. Remove, recover
Q.7 Hands clasped behind the head indicates ____.
A. Self confidence B. Stress C. Nervousness D. Superiority
Q.8 ____ are the primary means of conveying social information among human.
A. Eye gazing B. Gestures C. Facial Expression D. Body language
Q.9 _____ enables us to express variety of feelings and thought.
A. Eye gazing B. Gestures C. Facial Expression D. Body language
Q.10 Unconscious and stable structural disposition of the body framework attained over a long period of continuous body movements and patterns is called __________.
A. Posture B. Head movement C. Body language D. None of these
Q.11 Prosodic features of speech are divided up into _____ and _____.
A. Consonant, vowel B. Prosody, stress C. Intonation, stress D. Prosody, para-linguistics
Q.12 The study of non verbal clues of voice is called ______
A. Haptics B. Vocalics C.Oculesics D. None of these
Q.13 In an organization , the key factor that links people together for achieving common goal is ______ A. Communication B. Performance C. Hand shaking D. Incentive
Q.14 Non- verbal communication can occur through any ______ channel like sight, sound, smell etc.
A. Common B. Linguistic C. Sensory D. None of these
Q.15 _____ is considered as a mark of a well-balanced and adaptable personality.
A. Erect posture B. Bend posture C. Leaning forward D. Leaning backward
Q.16 A choice of an appropriate channel depends on _____
A. Sender B. Receiver C. Situation D. Decoder
Q.17 The primary goal of communication is ______
A. Effect a change B. Link people together C. Help managing D. Give messages
Q.18 Sometimes, a message is misinterpreted due to ambiguity in the meaning of words or sentences. This is called _______
A. Channel barrier B. Lack of planning C. Semantic distortion D. Cultural difference
Q. 19 Once the message is encoded in a desired format , it is transferred through a medium called __
A. Encoder B. Channel C. Decoder D. Sender
Q. 20 When you want an immediate feedback, you normally send _____
A. Memo B. Circular C. Notice D. Report
Q.21 The communication that uses language as a means for communication is called A. Verbal B. nonverbal C. word less D. all of these Q.22 One can express exasperation or condescension through A. Gesture B. facial expression C. Eye gazing D. All of these
Q.23 The study of touching as nonverbal communication is called A. Vocalics B. Oculesics C. Haptics D. None of these
Q. 24 Revealing information line by line using an opaque sheet to cover the transparency is called ___
A. Overlays B. Focus attention C. Progressive disclosure D. None of the above
Q.25 SQ3R technique stands for –
a. Survey, questions b. Survey, quotient c. read, recall, review d. read, range,review
A. a, b B. b , d C. b, c D. a, c
Q.26 What is the gender of “cushion” ?
A. Masculine B. Feminine C. Common D. Neuter
Q.27 Which is the most important word in a sentence –
A. Preposition B. Article C. verb D. Conjunction
Q.28 Select “subject” part in the given sentence “ Just is the way of honesty”
A. Just B. Way C. Just is the way of D. Honesty
Q.29 What are the advantages of oral communication ?
1. Speedy Interaction 2. Always save time 3. Immediate feedback
A. 1 ,2 B. Only 1 C. 1 and 3 D. Only 3
Q.30 Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition –
1. My brother has invited me to spend the summer _____ him ___ his village.
A. by, in B. with, at C. near, on D. beside, with
Q.31 While you are engaged in telephone conversation; it is easy for the listener to trace your geographical origin by _____
A. Tone B. Attitude C. Accent D. None of the above
Q.32 Two of the basic steps for oral presentation are :
A. Writing ;Reading B. Plan; A structure C. Listen; Write D. Speak; Write
Q.33 Meetings which can held in the corridor or in canteen without any preparation to provide resolution of minor problems are called –
A. Virtual meeting B. Imprompter C. Formal D. Semiformal
Q.34 Identify the adverb in the following sentences –
1. He worked on the apparatus quickly.
2. This flower is very beautiful.
A. He, this B. Flower, Apparatus C. Quickly, very D. Beautiful, quickly
Q. 35 Reading can be depicted as ________
A. Encoder – message – reader B. Decoder – reader – encoder
C. Encoder – decoder – message D. Message – decoder – encoder
Q.36 Those sentences which make statements are called –
A Declarative B. Interrogative C. Imperative D. None
Q.37 The first letter ‘s’ in SQRR means-
A. Study B. Sequence C. Survey D. Series
Q.38 “Secondly” is –
A. A semantic marker B. A gambit C. A noun D. None
Q.39 A noun that denotes a thing that is neither male nor female is called the ____
A. Masculine B. neutral C. Common D. Feminine
Q.40 Article “the “ is ___ article.
A. Indefinite B. Definite C. Noun D. Adjective
Q.41 The abbreviation “etc” means –
A. Extra B. Exetra C. Etcetra D. Excetra
Q.42 A group of words that makes complete sense is called ___
A. Phrase B. Clause C. Paragraph D. Sentence
Q.43 Reading comprehension is _____ a written text.
A. Understanding B. Looking through C. Reading D. None
Q.44 Reading is ___ under the stimulus of the printed page.
A. Watching B. Observing C. Thinking D. Glancing
Q.45 A reader can understand a text book only when she / he actively uses his / her __ faculties.
A. Teaching B. mental C. Physical D. Common
Q.46 Listening is ________ process.
A. Passive B. Active C. Silent D. None
Q.47 Evaluative listening is also called ______
A. Dialogic B. Critical C. Relational D. Comprehensive
Q.48 Looking quickly over a text book to get superficial idea is called as ________
A. Scanning B Skimming C. Intensive D. Extensive
Q.49 The fourth stage of reading comprehension is _____
A. Survey B. Review C. Reading D. Recall
Q.50 Words that have different spelling and meaning but the same sound are called as ______
A. Harmonyms B. Harmony C. Homonyms D. All of the above
Q.51 A notice is a ____ document to be put on the notice board.
A. Illegal B. Memo C. Legal D. All of the above
Q.52 Which of the following details should be avoided in a resume.
A. Personal details B. Work experience C. Salary requirements D. Extra curricular activities
Q.53 Usually paragraphs in a memo are ____ spaced.
A. Multiple B. Double C. Single D. None
Q.54 Reading is a psyco –linguistic guessing game as defined by –
A. Francoise Grellet B. Webster 1989:19 C. Webster, 1982”30 D. None
Q.55 ______ is used in OHP to help the audience complex matter.
A. Chalk boarding B. Overlays C. Visual aids D. Acetate films
Q.56 Skimming is looking over a text in order to get a ___ & ____ idea of the content.
A. Specific, accurate B. general, superficial C. Detailed, comprehensive D. Clear, concrete
Q.57 Two of the basic steps for oral presentations are –
A. Writing, reading B. plan, a structure C. listen, write D. Speak, Write
Q.58 To transpose elements the symbol is used -
A. B. C. D.
Q.59 To ensure clarity in communication we must ___ barriers to communication and ___ them.
A. Remove, minimize B. Minimize, remove C. Minimize, Identify D. Identify, Minimize
Q.60 A circular is meant for distribution of information to a ___ group, while a notice is meant for ___ group of people.
A. Large, small B. Small, large C. Very large, small D. None
Q.61 _____ is a word designed to help memory.
A. Nemonics B. Mnemonics C. Neumonics D. Paramonics
Q.62 Abbreviation ww stands for
A. Spelling error b. Wordy C. Wrong word D. faculty diction
Q.63 Reading for the pure pleasure of reading is called ___and reading a text with concentration to get specific details is called ___
A. Extensive, intensive B. Intensive, extensive
C. Scanning, extensive D. Intensive, scanning
Q.64 Match the following
1. << a. greater than
2. >> b. much greater than
3. c. percent
4. % d. much less than
e. and others
Q.65 Listening involves ___ and ____ the data & giving meaning to the data .
A. Processing, reconstructing B. Receiving, recording
C. Receiving, processing D. Reconstructing, processing
Q.66 Survey refers to a quick glance through the ___ , _____ , _____ and ____.
A. Preface, chapter, biography, inside pages
B. The title page, preface, chapter headings, author’s name
C. First page, Cover page, title, inside pages.
Q.67 Pick out the four advantages of slide projectors.
a. Take long time to prepare slides. b. No face to face contact.
c. Easy to store d. Easily portable e. Color images are cheaper
f. Many kinds of material can be copied.
A .b,c,d,e B. f,c,d,e C. a,b,c,d D. a,d,e,a
Q.68 State True or False-
A. In oral communication there is a possibility of immediate response. ( )
B. The best policy is to ask for the identity of the person at the other end first before announcing your identity. ( ) C. Audience consider slides as more professional. ( )
D. It is possible to modify slides as their sequence during presentation. ( )
Q.69 Match the following
1. Masculine gender a. Baby
2. Feminine gender b. Pen
3. Neuter gender c. vixen
4. Common gender d. tomcat
Q.70 Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunction.
( when, but, before, since, although, so, and)
1. I’ll tell her _____________ I see her.
2. The job is badly paid _______________ I’m looking another one.
3. ______________ he was the best qualified candidate, he didn’t get the job.
Q.71 Match the following
a. ca 1. Latin abbreviation
b. e.g. 2. Greek abbreviation
c. - 3. Field abbreviation
4. a symbol
A. 1-4,b-2,c-3 B. a-3,b-1,c-1 C. a-2,b-4,c-1 D. a-1,b-3,c-2
Q.72 State true or false
A. The sentences used in the minutes should be in present tense. ( )
B. A book is read only for the pleasure of reading. ( )
C. Reading is an encoding process of communication. ( )
Q.73 Match the following :
1. Transmitter a. the process of conversion of a message into a format which the r receiver can understand.
2. Encoding b. the person who transmits the message.
3. Decoding c. the person receiving the message.
4. Receiver d. reply that confirms whether the information sent has been understood or not.
5. Feedback e. the process of interpretation of the received message.
Q.74 Pick out the points that refer to coping with stage fright.
1. Remember that audience will not forgive honest mistake.
2.Try to compose yourself before the actual speech.
3. Do not concentrate on the message to be read .
4. Remembering that great speaker too suffered from stage fright.
5. Check out physical facilities at the presentation centre.
6. To be prepared well in advance and practice as after as possible.
A. 1,2,3,4 B. 2,3,4,5 C. 2,3,5,6 D. 1, 4,5,6
Q.75 The disadvantage of OHP are
1. Acetate transparent sheets are used to present information.
2. Transportation of transparencies is not easy.
3. The OHP is too bulky to transport.
4. The OHP Projection appears less professional .
5. A lot of time is needed to prepare OHP presentation.
A. 1, 2 B. 3, 4 C. 3,5 D. 1,5


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