Q: 1- Computer graphics is a _________ and diversified technology.

a) Simple b) Complex
c) Both a and b d) None of the above

Q: 2- End product of computer graphics is _________.

a) Photo b) Picture
c) Movie d) None of the above

Q: 3- The ____ is the fundamental cohesive concept in computer graphics.

a) Picture b) Photo
c) Movie d) All of the above

Q: 4- Pictures are represented in_________

a) Computer architecture b) Computer organization
c) Computer graphics d) All of the above

Q: 5- ________ with the picture is accomplished

a) Iteration b) Reaction
c) Interaction d) All of the above

Q: 6- Pictures are prepared for_______

a) Presentation b) Preparation
c) Provocation d) None of the above

Q: 7- The modern graphics display is _________ in construction.

a) Difficult b) Simple
c) Extremely Simple d) None of the above

Q: 8- Modern graphics consists of ______ components

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4

Q:9- _______ is a graphical component

a) Digital memory b) Television monitor
c) Display controller d) All of the above

Q: 10- The image must be passed repeatedly to the monitor ________ a seconds.

a) 30 b) <30
c) >30 d) Seconds.

Q: 11- Inside the frame buffer the image is stored as a pattern of ______ digital numbers.

a) Octal b) Binary
c) Hexadecimal d) Decimal

Q: 12- We wish to store only _____ images

a) Colored b) Black and white
c) Both a and b d) None of the above

Q: 13- 16*16 array of black and white pixels could be represented by the binary values stored in the ______ bytes.

a) 16-8 bit b) 8-8 bit
c) 32-8 bit d) 64-8 bit

Q: 14- The __ simply reads each successive byte of data from the frame buffer.

a) Digital controller b) Data controller
c) Display controller d) All of the above

Q: 15- The display controller converts 0’s & 1’s in to corresponding________.

a) Audio Signal b) Digital signal
c) Analog signal d) Video signal

Q: 16- The change the displayed picture, all we need to do is modify the _________ to represent the new pattern of pixels.

a) Video Signal b) Digital Signal
c) Audio signal d) Digital signal

Q: 17- CRT stands for

a) Cathode Ray tube b) Colored Ray tube
c) Converted Ray Tube d) All of the above

Q: 18- ___ are used in common television sets.

a) Random scan CRT b) RGB-CRT
b) Raster scan CRT d) None of the above

Q: 19- The most commonly used ________ devices is the CRT.

a) Input b) Output
c) Storage d) None of the above

Q: 20- The major Components of CRT is

a) Electron gun b) Phosphorous coated screen
b) Control electrodes d) Deflection yoke
f) All of the above

Q: 21- ________ causes elections to congregate at the end of electron gum.

a) Heater b) Cathode
c) Both a and b d) None of the above

Q: 22- The electron are accelerated by _______ of an electric field.

a) Association b) Application
c) Argumentations d) None of the above

Q: 23- _________ used to regulate the flow of elections in CRT.

a) Electron gun b) Focusing electrode
c) Control electrode d) All of the above

Q: 24- Control electrode is connected to _______.

a) Repeater b) Amplifies
b) Both a and b d) None of the above

Q: 25- A Focusing electrode focuses the electrons in a narrow beam by exerting _____ force on the electrons in the electron beam.

a) Magnetic field b) Electrostatic field
c) Magnetic field d) All of the above

Q: 26- ______ is used to control the direction of electron beam in CRT.

a) Phosphorous coated screen b) Focusing electrode
c) Control Electrode d) Deflection yoke

Q: 27- There is a ____ coating on the inside front of every CRT.

a) Nitrogen b) Phosphorous
c) Hydrogen d) All of the above

Q: 28- The glow given off by the, phosphor during exposure of the electron beam is known as .

a) Fluorescence b) Phosphorescence
c) Persistence d) All of the above

Q: 29- The continuing glow given off after the beam is removed is known as.

a) Fluorescence b) Phosphorescence
c) Persistence d) All of the above

Q: 30- A phosphor will no longer be fluorescent it is said to be_________

a) Burned b) Buried
c) Browned d) All of the above

Q: 31- Raster is a synonym for the term_______.

a) Array b) Matrix
c) Model d) All of the above

Q: 32- The rate at which the electron beam seams the surface of the CRT is often directly related to the frequency of the _____ Voltage.

a) Global line b) Static line
c) Local line d) All of the above

Q: 33- In India ________ cycle line voltage is used.

a) 40 b) 50
c) 30 d) 80

Q: 34- Each time the election beam goes through a complete cycle of raster or scan lines, the CRT is said to be.

a) Refreshed b) Flickered
c) Retrieved d) None of the above

Q: 35- The perceptual threshold is greater than the frequency of standard line voltage a technique
Called ___ is often used.

a) Interleaving b) Interweaving
c) Interlacing d) All of the above

Q: 36- Refresh rate is significantly ___________ the phosphors persistence.

a) Longer b) Smaller
c) Equal to d) Extremely simple

Q: 37- An interlacing is used to _________ the raster –line cycle.

a) Create b) Break
c) Exit d) None of the above

Q: 38- Over scan on the deft is called top ___ over scan

a) Vertical b) Horizontal
c) Diagonal d) None of the above

Q: 39- Over-scan on the left is called left ____ over scan

a) Vertical b) Horizontal
c) Diagonal d) None of the above

Q: 40- Each time the election beam scans from left to right it is an _______ mode

a) Read b0 Write
b) Execute d) Cancel

Q: 41- _________ refers to the shutting off the election beam as it returns from the bottom of the display at the end of a cycle to the upper left hand corner to start a new cycle.

a) Horizontal retraces blanking b) Diagonal retrace blanking
c) Vertical retrace blanking d) None of the above

Q: 42- Cartesian coordinate system can be

a) Left handed b) Right handed
c) Both a and b d) None of the above

Q: 43- Each bytes is composed of _________ bits

a) 2 b) 4
c) 8) d) 16

Q: 44- The majority of _______ systems assign 1 bit in the memory map to one pixel on the display.

a) Monochromatic b) Dichromatic
c) Poly chromatic d) Tri-chromatic

Q: 45- There are _________ steps involved in converting Cartesian coordinates

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 4) 4

Q: 46- Most display terminals provide the uses with ______ keyboard.

a) Alphabetic b) Numeric
c) Alpha numeric d) All of the above

Q: 47- Two types of graphical interaction are-

a) Partitioning and positioning b) Partitioned and painting
c) Positioning and pointing d) None of the above

Q: 48- CRT raster display can be considered as a matrix of __________ calls

a) Concrete b) Discrete
c) Successive d) Perceived

Q: 49- The process of determining which pixels will provide the better approximation to the desired line is known as____.

a) Scan conversion b) Randomization
c) Rasterization d) Recreation

Q: 50- Rasterization combined with the process of rendering the picture scan line order is known as _________

a) Scan conversion bb) Randomization
c) Recreation d) None of the above

Q: 51- One technique for obtaining a raster zed straight line is to solve the governing __ equation.

a) Linear b) Quadratic
c) Integrated d) Differentials

Q: 52- Basic methods of projection are _______ and ________ .

a) Parallel and perspective b) Parallel and perceptive
c) Perceptive and perspective d) None of the above

Q: 53- In bresenhams line resterization algorithm if slope is _______ its value at the next raster point one unit away (1,o) can be determined by adding the slope of the line to the error term.

a) > ½ b) < ½
c) ≥ ½ d) ≤ ½

Q: 54- Equation for e in Brasenhams algorithm is.

a) e = dy/dx -1/2 b) e = 2dy –dx
c) e =dy-dx/2 e) e = dy-2dx

Q: 55- Equation for e in integer Brasenhams algorithm is.

a) e =dy/dx -1/2 b) e = 2dy-dx
c) e =dy-dx/2 d) e = dy- 2dx

Q: 56- First octant in Brasenhams algorithm is –

a) O > dy> dn b) O ≥ dy ≥ dn
c) O ≤ dy≤ dx d) O ≤ dy< dx

Q: 57- Brasenhams circle algorithm, it is desirable to perform the calculation necessary to find the scan –converted points with only.

a) Integer addition b) Subs traction
c) Multiplication d) All of the above

Q: 58- The best approximation in Brasenhams circle algorithm of the true circle will be described by those pixels in the raster that fall the _______ distance from the true circle.

a) Least b) Far
c) Both a and b d) None of the above

Q: 59- Good graphics programming avoids the use of _____ operations whenever possible.

a) Multiplications b) Division
c) Floating point d) Integer

Q: 60- Many closed _____ are simple polygons

a) Counters b) Contours
c) Controls d) Canters

Q: 61- The simplest methods of felling a polygon is to examine ____ in the raster.

a) 1 pixel b) 2 pixel
c) 5 pixel d0 Every pixel

Q: 62- The bounding box is the ________ that contains the polygon.

a) Smallest rectangle b) Largest rectangle
c) Smallest triangle d) Smallest square

Q: 63- Expect at boundary edges, adjacent pixels are likely to have some characteristics. This property is referred to as __________.

a) Coherence b) Special coherence
c) Spatial coherence d) None of the above

Q: 64- For a __________graphics device adjacent pixels on a scan line are likely to have the same characteristics.

a) Random scan b) Raster scan
c) CRT d) None of the above

Q: 65- What is scan line coherence?

a) Adjacent pixels on a scan line are likely to have different characteristics
b) Non-adjective pixels on a scan line are likely to have different characteristics
c) Adjective pixels on a scan line are likely to have same characteristics
d) None of the above

Q: 66- The characteristics of pixels on a given scan line change only where a polygon ______ scan line

a) Intersects b) Unions
c) Differences d) All of the above

Q: 67- Efficient algorithms for scan –converting solid area polygons can be developed. These are called

a) Unordered edge list algorithm
b) Ordered edge list algorithm
c) A lumbered edge list algorithm
d) All of the above

Q: 68- The efficiency of the algorithm depend on the _________.

a) Efficiency of searching b) Efficiency of time
c) Efficiency of sorting d) None of the above

Q: 69- The ordered edge list algorithm is _______.

a) Powerful b) Weak
c) Extremely weak d) Very powerful

Q: 70- The edge flag algorithm is a ________ process

a) One step b) These step
c) Two step d) Four step

Q: 71- Using the half scan line convention for each edge interesting the polygon, set the leftmost pixel whose endpoint lies to the right of the interaction. This is a procedure for-

a) Fill b) Counter
c) Contour outline d) None of the above

Q: 72- The disadvantage of both the edge fill and fence fill algorithm is the number of pixels addressed

a) More than once b) Not even once
c) Exactly once d) None of the above

Q: 73- The edge fill, fence fill and edge flag algorithm are _______ to simple polygons.

a) Limited b) Not limited
c) Both a and b d) None of the above

Q: 74- First step of edge –flag algorithm is

a) Fill b) Sean line
c) Contour outline d) None of the above

Q: 75- The edge flag algorithm lists each pixel ___

a) At least once b) Atmost once
c) > 1 d) None

Q: 76- A simple seed fill algorithm for a boundary –defined region can be developed using a _________.

a) Queue b) Linked list
c) Dequeue d) Stack

Q: 77- In a stack values may be placed or removed _______.

a) Sequentially b) Randomly
c) Directly d) None of the above

Q : 78- A push down stack is ______.

c) LIFD d) None of the above

Q: 79- In simple seed fill algorithm _________ function is used for placing a pixel on the stack.

a) Seed b) Push
c) POP d) None of the above

Q: 80- In simple seed fill algorithm _________ function is used for removing a pixel from the stack.

a) Seed b) Push
c) Pop d) All of the above

Q: 81- _____ is the process of extracting a portion of database, is fundamental to several aspects of computer graphics.

a) Projection b) Clipping
c) Rotation d) Translation

Q: 82- Clipping algorithm can be implemented in –

a) Software b) Both a and b
c) Hard ware d) None of the above

Q: 83- If both the and points of a line are exterior to the window than,

a) It is completely exterior to the window
b) The line is not necessarily complete exterior of the window
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

Q: 84- If a and b are end points of a line, then an algorithm for identifying completely visible and most invisible lines might be:

a) Visibility algorithm b) Simple visibility algorithm
c) Complex visibility algorithm d) None of the above

Q: 85- End point code checking can easily be implemented when _________ are available.

a) Byte manipulation b) Megabyte manipulation
c) Bit manipulation d) None of the above

Q: 86- Slope of the line is given by of a line with end coordinates (X1, Y1), (X2, Y2)

a) m = X1 – Y1 b) m = Y2 – Y1
X2 – Y1 X2 – X1

a) m = Y1 – X1 b) m = X2 – Y1
Y2 – X2 X1 – Y2

Q: 87- Mid point subdivision algorithm woods direct calculation by performing

a) Sequential search b) Direct search
c) Binary search d) None of the above

Q: 88- In hardware division by 2 can be accomplished by shifting each bit to the –

a) Right b) Left
c) Up d) Down

Q: 89- Polygon clipping operator on

a) Vertices b) Edges of the polygon
c) Both a and b d) None of the above

Q: 90- The object is held stationary while the coordinate system is moved relative to the object is called –

a) Geometric Transformation b) Coordinate transformation
c) Translation d0 Rotation

Q: 91- The object is held stationary while the coordinates system is moved relation to the object is called.

a) Geometric transformation b) Coordinate transformation
c) Translation d0 Rotation

Q: 92- The object is displaced a given distance and direction its original position is called

a) Translation b) Rotation
c) Transformation d) Scaling

Q: 93- If Q is + ve then the rotation direction is

a) Clockwise b) Counter clockwise

Q: 94- If Q is – ve then the rotation direction is

a) Clockwise b) Counter clockwise

Q: 95- ________ is the process of expanding or compressing the dimensions of an object.

a) Translation b) Rotation
c) Transformation d) Scaling

Q: 96- A scaling constant _____ indicates an expansion of length.

a) > 1 b) <1
c) = 1 d) ≥ 1

Q: 97- A scaling constant ______ indicates, compression of lengthy-

a) > 1 b) < 1
c) = 1 d) ≥ 1

Q: 98- If both scaling constants have the same value S, the sealing transformation is said to be

a) Homogeneous b) Heterogeneous
c) Both a and b d) None of the above
Q: 99- If translation: Tv –1 = T-v
Rotation Ro-1 = R-Q
Scaling S-1 sx,sy = S 1/sx, 1/sy
Mirror reflection M –1x = Mx and M-1y = My

Than it is called-

a) Geometric Transformation b) Rotation
c) Inverse Geometric Transformation d) Inverse Rotation

Q: 100- In Perspective Projection eye of the artist is placed at the

a) Left of projection b) Right of projection
c) Top of projection d) Center of projection

Q: 101- Which of then as not perspective anomaly

a) Foreshortening b) Vanishing points
c) View confusion d) Topological Creation

Q: 102- Shape representative have ______ lines

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4


1) b 2) b 3) a 4) c 5) c 6) a

7) c 8) c 9) d 10) c 11) c 12) b

13) c 14) c 15) d 16) b 17) a 18) c

19) b 20) f 21) c 22) b 23) c 24) b

25) c 26) d 27) b 28) a 29) b 30) a

31) b 32) c 33) b 34) a 35) c 36) a

37) b 38) a 39) b 40) b 41) c 42) c

43) c 44) a 45) d 46) c 47) c 48) b

49) c 50) a 51) d 52) a 53) c 54) a

55) b 56) c 57) d 58) a 59) c 60) b

61) d 62) a 63) c 64) b 65) c 66) a

67) b 68) c 69) d 70) b 71) c 72) c

73) b 74) c 75) b 76) d 77) a 78) c

79) b 80) c 81) b 82) c 83) b 84) b

85) c 86) b 87) c 88) a 89) a 90) a

91) b 92) a 93) b 94) a 95) d 96) a

97) b 98) a 99) c 100) d 101) d 102) b


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